High Afficiency Air Conditioner

You could be hesitant to acquire a high efficiency HVAC unit given the expense. Large efficiency units, rating a 16+ SEER range in price from around $2500 - $5000 simply for the unit alone. Homeadvisor provides thorough price set of not only HVAC units but numerous other heat pump and cooling projects, as well as installation manual and tricks for maintaining your body.

On top of the unit price, you have installation and miscellaneous costs with respect to the era and size of your house or business. Typically the layout of the house will impact the placement of materials, vents and ducts. All of these factors will eventually play a role in service and labor costs.

We realize that installing a new high efficiency HVAC is a large decision - but it is the right one. Allow us to help you make a pros and negatives list for buying a high efficiency HVAC. We guarantee you the positives will significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

It's getting where you cant even hear it anymore, its in the lowest speed we want to cover some things. We're meeting our goals, we met the comfort level, the light bills gotten cheaper, there's no more sound problems you don't hear bumping when the units coming off and on to interrupt the preacher.

These are things that the church was looking for they were looking for the savings they didn't really realize what the humidity control was going to do for them. But it's been an eye awakened experience for a lot of people in this church.

Just to be able to go in there and stay comfortable for the two or  three hours that they're in church. The light bill pretty standard, its a little bit lower but we also have to keep in mind where Preacher Sam before was coming up here and cutting it up on saturday mornings, Dean Casey coming in here and cutting it on friday morning so these units actually running probably forty percent longer than the conventional unit was. And the light bill is almost ten to fifteen percent cheaper.

We're hoping that with these units running within a year or two would pay for one systems so if i could pay for all six systems just on the power savings of the of 7 or 8 years time that's going to be phenomenal. In fact thats unheard of.

Theres something else we want to talk about today we got what we call AC Guards, you know we buy ours from Trane dealer they give us a fairly good protection against people that want to come to cut up the units, to steal the units, they're  bolted to the concrete.

I mean they're where they can't take the sides off Trane uses these spine thin technology so all the coils out here are aluminum. So it's really not worth somebody steal this unit for the aluminum. I mean you might get two dollars worth of aluminum out of these units. So the point I'm trying to make it is buy one-time cry one-time.

Buy the units get them protected have your AC guard on here because you hear about it all the time people coming by and stealing units or cutting the copper out of units you see it everywhere.

So this is a pretty good investment. I think it's a sound investment just for the sake of that if you want this unit to last 17  or 20 years the last thing you want to do is have it stolen.


  1. Cost Savings Over Time
  2. Increased Comfort Levels
  3. Discrete Operation
  4. Positive Environmental Impact

  1. Upfront Expenses

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